physion pro massage gun review

Physion Pro Massage Gun Review

 Physion Pro Massage Gun
physion pro massage gun
Buy From Physion Website

You might have seen the Physion Pro massage gun advertised on your Instagram or Facebook feed offering comparison tables with better durability and features against other massage guns.

With enhanced muscle recovery, release stress and tension, and the ability to soothe discomfort with a percussive therapy device in a league of its own.

After upgrading from a massage gun from Amazon I have been really impressed with the Physion Pro battery life, weight, grip, choices of attachments, speeds and how much easier it is to use on yourself when it is wireless. 

In particular I found it really good at helping my thighs and IT band recover from hard training sessions. 

What Is Included?

physion pro massage gun in the bag

The Physion Pro massage gun includes 6 standard attachments, the carry case and battery charger.

I upgraded to the professional precision kit which includes another 4 attachments.

What Is The Battery Life?

physion pro massage gun battery life screen

The Physion Pro massage gun has a battery life of 15 hours, but it actually feels like it lasted longer than this before you need to charge it.

It countdowns from 99 to 0 to show you how much charge you have left. 

What is The Weight?

physion pro massage gun weight

It is less than 1.1Kg and feels really light and easy to hold.

How Many Speed Settings Does It Have?

The Physion Pro massage gun has 30 different speed settings with 1 being the slowest and 30 being the fastest. 

Physion Mini vs Physion Pro 2 Comparison

Since writing this review, Physion have released a newer updated version of the Pro massage gun and now have a mini version. 

Both are great massage guns with long battery life, with the Mini having 7 hours and the bigger Pro 2 having 8 hours.

Both have the same 30 speed settings but the bigger Pro 2 is slightly more powerful.  

The advantage of the Mini is it is more mobile and easier to fit in your bag to take with you, where as the Pro 2 has a slightly longer lasting battery life and also comes with 2 more heads to choose from. 

Physion Mini Massage Gun Physion Pro 2 Massage Gun
physion mini
physion pro 2 massage gun
£54.95 £79.99
Buy From Physion Website Buy From Physion Website


If you have any questions you would like to ask about the Physion Pro massage gun, please ask below in the comments.


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